1140 hours Rolls Out Across Scotland

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1140 hours rolls out across Scotland


As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, the decision was taken in April last year that the duty on education authorities in Scotland to provide 1140 free hours of childcare per year, due to come into force in August 2020 would be delayed. In April, the Scottish Government decided to re-instate this policy from 1st August this year. With the vaccine roll out well under way and restrictions having been lifted across the nation, the long-awaited entitlement is now in effect throughout the country.

Until now, the free hours entitlement had remained at 600 hours per year for 3 and 4 year olds as well as eligible 2 year olds, the same rate that it had been since 2015. 1140 hours is the rough equivalent of the 30 hours per week policy adopted in England and rolled out in 2018. It had already been extensively trailed in some Scottish local authorities, but the national duty had not been changed.

Scotland’s First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon formally made the announcement during a visit to Fallin Nursery in Stirling, hailing the policy as a “truly transformational offer that will benefit children and families all over the country.” The visit was further enlivened by an incident, caught on camera in which a little girl made off with the First Minister’s blue high heels, although she later confirmed on Twitter that they had been safely recovered. 

The official 1140 Hours Policy Assessment can be read here.