Online Training Workshop With Dr Anita Collins

Boogie Mites' Online Training Workshop with Dr Anita Collins

“it’s important to understand, the work you do now is work that is going to be incredibly important to these children for the rest of their lives”Dr Anita Collins

Award-winning educator, researcher, and writer in the field of brain development and music learning, Dr Anita Collins has long been a guiding light for us at Boogie Mites which is why we are so excited to announce our partnership with her. Dr Anita Collins is widely renowned for her TED talk on ‘What if every child had music education from birth?’ and is internationally recognized for her unique work in translating the scientific research of neuroscientists and psychologists to the everyday parent, teacher, and student. Click the image below to find out more!

Boogie Mites Online Training Workshop Promotional Poster for Neuromusical Evidence and Early Years Music Making

Although the time of live presentation is for Australia, you can obtain a discount code to access a recording of the presentation via

To give you an example of one of the many topics that will be covered in the workshop, watch the video below on social cohesion:

Youtube video screenshot of award-winning educator, researcher and writer in the field of brain development and music learning, Dr Anita Collins

Anita’s revolutionary research will inspire you to harness the power of music to brighten the future of the children in your care. Sign up now!


The information in this article is provided by Boogie Mites and does not represent Morton Michel.