British Red Cross - First Aid Advice for Pancake Day

Smiley family making pancakes together in kitchen, lady holding the frying pan and flipping pancake

British Red Cross - First Aid Advice for Pancake Day

21 February is Pancake Day, and you may be planning plenty of craft and cooking activities for the children in your care. Making pancakes is a fun family activity and many little ones will be excited to continue the fun when they get home.  It’s important to remember that badly flipped pancakes and hot pans can lead to burns. Why not share the below first aid advice with families or your team.
If someone has burned themselves, they may have redness, blisters or swelling on their skin. You should cool the burn to reduce pain, swelling and the risk of scarring.

1. Cool the burn with cold running water for at least 20 minutes. 
Cooling the burn will reduce pain, swelling and the risk of scarring. The faster and longer a burn is cooled, the less the impact of the injury. If there is no water to hand then use any cool harmless liquid such as bottled water, milk, orange juice or even beer to start the cooling process while you are getting the casualty to a source of cold running water.

2. After the burn has been cooled, cover it with cling film or a clean plastic bag. 
Cling film is an ideal covering because it doesn't stick to the burn, and it reduces pain by keeping air from the skin's surface. This helps prevent infection by keeping the area clean. 

3. Call 999 if necessary. 
If the situation is life threatening, you should call 999. Burns that require medical attention include if a delicate area is affected, such as face or genitals, burns caused by chemicals or electricity and burns to babies and young children. You could also seek medical advice such as by using 111 online for example if you're not sure how severe a burn is. 

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Book now.

The information in this article is provided by the British Red Cross and does not represent Morton Michel.