Childminding UK Achieves the Princess Royal Training Award

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Childminding UK Achieves the Princess Royal Training Award

As the only national organisation solely dedicated to supporting childminders, we are beyond delighted to be one of the 47 recipients to achieve the Princess Royal Training Award in 2022 for ‘ensuring high quality childcare through training and support’.

‘The Princess Royal Training Awards recognise organisations truly demonstrating exceptional commitment to learning and development’ and we are looking forward to the Award Ceremony where the Princess Royal will officially present us with our Award.

Childminding UK has been supporting and training childminders for over 30 years. Formerly Northamptonshire Childminding Association, we now support childminders all over England.

All our training is written by our childminding specialist team and winning this prestigious award is a real acknowledgement of our dedication to providing high quality childminder specific training.

Our Membership combines our award-winning training with resources and support to provide childminders with everything they need to run a successful business.

As a charity and not for profit organisation, we are dedicated to providing our training at an affordable cost. Our staff team have all been registered childminders, so fully understand the unique role of childminding. All of our Trustee Management board are childminders or have knowledge of childminding.

Childminding UK Contact Details:


Enquiry Line 01536 502870

Find out more about the Award here. #PrincessRoyalTrainingAwards

The information in this article is provided by Childminding UK and does not represent Morton Michel.