Children’s Mental Health Week

British Red Cross

Children’s Mental Health Week

Children’s Mental Health Week took place between the 7 and 13 February. Now more than ever, it’s important for children to understand that being kind not only supports others it helps us feel good too. Kindness makes challenges easier to cope with and improves wellbeing.

The free kindness activity pack from British Red Cross helps children learn about the power of kindness. It encourages them to do small acts of kindness each day to help their community, family and themselves.

Download the pack

The activity pack includes: 

  • A kindness calendar: to help children think about the importance of kindness and how small acts of kindness can make a big difference.
  • A blank postcard to encourage children to create a message of kindness for someone they know.
  • Creative activities: colouring is a great way to be kind to yourself and helps children to focus and relax.
  • Coping strategies: using activities like breathing with colour and 'What is wellbeing?' to offer ways young people can be kind to themselves.
  • An emotion tracker to help manage emotions and feelings as we all go through change and stressful circumstances.
  • Activities to help us stay connected with others. Children will think about and understand other people’s feelings and explore how change can affect us.
  • The final activity encourages children to learn a new skill. They’ll practice some simple first aid and reflect on how learning new skills can make you feel.

Click here to order a printed pack

The countdown is officially on!

British Red Cross blended paediatric first aid course is coming soon! Along with a 5-star rating on Trustpilot, the course will enable you and your team to fit in your first aid training needs around other commitments. Look out for further updates on the British Red Cross Training website and social channels.

Morton Michel policyholders – don’t forget you get a 10% discount on British Red Cross paediatric first aid training as part of our ChildCare Club!

The information in this article is provided by the British Red Cross and does not represent Morton Michel.