Choking - How to help

Child choking

Choking - How to help

Easter is nearly here and there will be many opportunities for little ones to try out new activities. If the children in you’re setting are hoping for a visit from the Easter bunny or are looking forward to eating scrambled eggs or hot cross buns, it’s important to be aware of how you can help if a first aid emergency arises.

Here’s how to help a child aged over one who is choking:

1. Encourage them to cough, give up to five back blows. Hit them firmly on their back, between the shoulder blades.

2. If back blows do not blockage does not dislodge, give up to five abdominal thrusts. Hold the child around the waist and pull inwards and upwards above their belly button.

3. Call 999 if the blockage does not dislodge. Continue with cycles of back blows and abdominal thrusts until the blockage dislodges, help arrives, or the child becomes unresponsive.

Stay up to date with our blog

Do you know what exactly is required of early years providers in the UK with regards to paediatric first aid, or what is expected of childcare organisations during the early years inspection?

Our blog breaks down the role of Ofsted in the childcare setting and explains how to ensure your business is compliant with Ofsted’s paediatric first aid requirements.

Click here to read the blog

Morton Michel policyholders – don’t forget you get a 10% discount on British Red Cross paediatric first aid training as part of our ChildCare Club!

The information in this article is provided by the British Red Cross and does not represent Morton Michel.