Deadline Extended for Scottish Draft Inspection Framework Consultation

Happy group of preschool aged children sitting on mat in a classroom setting

Deadline Extended for Scottish Draft Inspection Framework Consultation

Back in 2022, the Scottish Government began consulting on a new inspection framework for Early Learning and Childcare. After a period of consultation and review, they have now published a draft of the new inspection framework and are inviting opinions from the sector. The deadline for responses has now been extended to 19th January, and all childcare services in Scotland are encouraged to submit their opinions. 

In the document, the government sets out its vision: 

“High quality early learning and childcare and school age childcare experiences are critical to giving children the best possible start in life. Inspection of the range of registered childcare services, including early learning and childcare, school-aged childcare, and childminding services, encourages and empowers settings, practitioners, and teachers to continually improve their service for the benefit of the children in their care, including through self-evaluation.”   

Self-evaluation will not replace regular inspections, but it is intended to provide a constructive, holistic framework for providers to determine how well they are doing. This, in principle at least, should both ensure that providers are able to regularly assess their settings, maintaining consistent quality, and even take some of the stress out of inspections themselves, as there will already be a strong understanding of performance. 

Those who want to participate in the consultation can find out more here.