Debate over compulsory vaccinations

Do you agree with compulsory vaccination?

Debate over compulsory vaccinations


The majority of adults in the UK have now received both Covid-19 vaccinations and plans are being put in place for the most vulnerable to receive a booster shot. However, not everyone has chosen to be vaccinated and many sectors are discussing whether it should be compulsory. At present the government intends to make vaccinations compulsory for staff working in care homes, but there are no plans for the same to apply to other settings.

Even so, some employers, including childcare providers, are requiring their staff to be vaccinated for work. Without clear legal backing, this has to be undertaken carefully to ensure the setting does not fall foul of equalities legalisation, and to ensure that any enforcement measures are within the law.  A snap poll of 80 providers by nursery world suggests the sector is split on whether vaccines should be compulsory, although a plurality of 50% are in favour, with 15% undecided.

With the autumn beginning and the likelihood in a rise in infections, both of Covid-19 and ordinary winter flues, it will be critical for the country that the NHS is protected from being overwhelmed, however, exactly what this will look like now vaccinations are available remains an open question.

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