Early Years Impact to Be Included in Covid Probe

Group Of Elementary Age Children In Art Class With Teacher

Early Years Impact to Be Included in Covid Probe

The government is to hold a public inquiry into the impact of the Covid Pandemic and the UK’s response. The terms of reference for the inquiry have been under debate. With such a large and complex topic, it is critical that time is well spent scrutinising the key points, but without getting lost in the details. Inquiries that are not properly structured can drag on for years, to the point that their conclusions are no longer useful.

It was never certain therefore that the impact of the pandemic on children’s early years would be considered by the inquiry. However, the sector has made a strong argument based on the huge disruption that was caused to children’s lives and the ongoing impact that is still seen today. In May, it was announced that the enquiry would widen its focus to include children and inequality, and in June a further announcement indicated that the Prime Minister has agreed that special attention should be given to the early years.

The Covid pandemic was an event without modern precedent and its impact is extremely far reaching. For children under five, half their lives have been dominated by nothing else, and this may well have a long lasting effect on their lives. The inquiry’s new focus is welcome as its conclusions will help the childcare and education sector support the country’s recovery – both helping the children who went through the pandemic, and ensuring that if such an event were to happen again, we will as a nation be better able to respond.

You can find out more about the Covid-19 pubic inquiry here: https://covid19.public-inquiry.uk/