Festive First Aid Tip - Choking

British Red Cross

Festive First Aid Tip - Choking

The festive season is fast approaching, and lights, trees and toys make it a time of great delight and anticipation for little ones.

For those working in a childcare setting, first aid is important at any time of year, but December is often seen as one of the most dangerous months, with new foods and crafts presenting additional choking risks.

Whilst every step is taken to keep everyone safe, children are very curious, and it is still essential to know how to act if a child in your setting is choking. You could share this advice with parents too. Here’s how to help:

If they are over one year:

1. Give up to five back blows.

2. Give up to five abdominal thrusts.

3. Call 999 if the blockage does not dislodge.

Put your first aid skills to the test

Would you know how to help a child who was having an asthma attack? Test your knowledge with our festive first aid quiz. Why not share it with your colleagues and see who scores the best?

Click here to take the quiz

Morton Michel policyholders – don’t forget you get a 10% discount on British Red Cross paediatric first aid training as part of our ChildCare Club!

The information in this article is provided by British Red Cross and does not represent Morton Michel.