The British Red Cross - First Aid Know-how

First aider attending to young boy sitting on grass with sprained ankle

The British Red Cross - First Aid Know-how

Most parts of the UK enjoyed warmer temperatures recently, and when the sun shines (and even when it doesn’t!), many people working in the childcare sector will be spending as much time as possible outside with the little ones in their care.

Spending more time outside can bring high levels of excitement along with more trips and falls, sunburn and bites and stings. Fortunately, with some simple first aid know-how you can feel confident that you can help should you need to.

Sprain or strain

1. Get the person to rest.

2. Apply an ice pack to the injury for up to 20 minutes - this will help to reduce the pain and swelling.

3. If there is no improvement, advise them to seek medical advice.


1. Cover the skin with light clothing or a towel and help them move into the shade, or indoors if possible.

2. Help the person to have frequent sips of cold water.

3. Cool the affected skin by dabbing with cold water.

4. Once cooled, you can apply after sun lotion to minor burns.

Insect sting

1. If the sting is still visible, remove it.

- Use your fingernail or the edge of a credit card to scrape it away.

- You should avoid using tweezers as this could squeeze the sting and inject a tiny bit of poison into the casualty.

2. Apply ice pack, to the affected part and raise the affected area for up to 20 minutes.

- This will help to relieve the pain and reduce the swelling.

- If the casualty has been stung in the mouth, give them an ice cube to suck or a glass of cold water to sip and call 999 if swelling starts to develop.

3. Monitor the casualty.

- Watch for signs of an allergic reaction, such as wheezing and/or reddened, swollen, itchy skin

The importance of first aid when working with children

Read our blog and find out why first aid isn’t just a tick box exercise and how learning paediatric first aid skills shouldn’t just be about meeting paediatric first aid legal requirements, but instead ensuring the best possible outcome for a child that is injured or who becomes ill in your care.

Read the blog

The information in this article is provided by the British Red Cross and does not represent Morton Michel.