Childminding UK: FREE Managing Funding Sustainability Pack

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Childminding UK: FREE Managing Funding - Childminders Business Sustainability Pack

Being able to remain sustainable as what the government call ‘Free Childcare’ is expanded, will affect every single childminder as the government's own figures show that the funding for 3 and 4 year olds only covers two thirds of the cost of providing a place, while preventing childcare providers from charging parents a top up fee to meet the shortfall. While rates for younger children are higher, as the majority of children will be eligible for funded places, this will create even more pressure on a struggling workforce as currently it is the additional hours and younger children who keep settings sustainable.

Childminders have told us how worried they are and many are saying they will simply be forced to close. There is already a childcare shortage and our aim is to equip all childminders with the tools to help them remain sustainable in a job they love and that many told us ‘have put my heart and soul into’.

We are providing this Managing Funding- Business Sustainability Pack completely free of charge to all childminders. It explains the government guidance about offering funded places and different business models they could adapt to help their businesses survive as the expansion rolls out.

About Childminding UK

Childminding UK has been supporting childminders for over 30 years. Formed in 1991 by and for local working childminders in Northamptonshire, we now support childminders across the country. A registered charity, we are the only national organisation that solely supports childminders and the only early years organisation to have achieved the Princess Royal Training Award for ‘Ensuring high quality childcare through training and support’. All staff and trustees are experienced childcare professionals, staff have been childminders themselves and the majority of trustees are working childminders so we have a good understanding of the sector.

Please note, the information in this article is provided by Broadway Events and does not represent the views or opinions of Morton Michel.