Morton Michel and PACEY Partnership

Morton Michel and PACEY Partnership 

Morton Michel and The Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years (PACEY) are building on their already successful partnership working in the field of specialist insurance by launching PACEY’s new Manager membership for nurseries and pre-schools.

Recognising that our individual expertise in supporting all childcare and early years settings with information, advice and support as well as specialist insurance, we can each play to our strengths.

Morton Michel and PACEY have been partners for over five years now, primarily focussed on supporting PACEY childminder members with specialist home and motor insurance. We are now taking the next step and working together to provide tailored support to nurseries and pre-schools.  This is the next step in our commitment to a long-term partnership that we believe will combine our strengths so we can provide a better support, protection and reassurance to the childcare and early years sector.

Liz Bayram, PACEY Chief Executive, and Sue Lee, Morton Michel’s Managing Director, issued a joint statement on their new partnership. “With PACEY’s 40+ years of childcare expertise and strong voice with government in England and Wales, and Morton Michel’s 50+ years as a childcare insurance specialist, we know that together we can deliver a greater level of protection and reassurance as well as advice, support and inspiration by working together. And that can only be good for our sector, especially now with all the challenges it faces.” 

Discover more about PACEY's Nursery and Pre-School Manager memberships and register your interest today.