Must Have Childcare Marketing Tools

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Must Have Childcare Marketing Tools

Ben from Childcare Marketing tells us about the must have marketing tools for your childcare business...

We understand better than anyone how using marketing tools can revolutionise your marketing processes. The tools which you choose to use are important but it’s also about how you use them. We will cover both of these points in this blog. So let’s discuss the different areas of marketing and how you can use different tools to elevate your childcare business’ marketing:

Social Media

So how are you currently scheduling and reviewing your social media posts? If you currently do it manually then you are wasting significant amounts of time. By using a tool such as the one built into our ‘Flourish’ platform, you are able to preview, schedule and post at the best times when your audience is online. Alternatively, a great free solution you can use is ‘Facebook Creator Studio’ where you can post directly to both Facebook and Instagram! 

Email Marketing

Email Marketing is a form of marketing that is rarely used within the sector which is a massive mistake. You can use emails to send out newsletters that are always of interest to your current parents as they want to keep up to date with what’s going on at your childcare setting. The same technique also works out for prospective parents as this will give them encouragement that what you’re doing internally is professional. You can use a tool such as Flourish which is our marketing tool or an external tool such as ‘MailChimp’ to send out emails to your current and prospective parents. 

Enquiry Management

What do you currently use to manage your enquiries? If you currently use something as simple as a spreadsheet then it’s time to upgrade. There are so many tools you can use and adapt to fit your childcare business, making the enquiry process simple and effective. Our new tool, Flourish, offers a brilliant way to manage your enquiries through a process.

Nursery Software

There are some amazing software platforms out there which help you showcase what you’re doing as a company on a day to day basis. This is an incredible way of giving parents a better experience, increasing their satisfaction and level of trust. A nursery software is one of the most effective ways of improving your transparency, giving parents a clear idea of what you do internally. Some incredible software platforms you should look into include ‘Connect Childcare’, ‘Blossom’, ‘Child Paths’ and ‘Famly’.

Graphic design

Being both extremely accessible and functional, our chosen graphic design tool is ‘Canva’. Canva is very easy to use and is free, meaning that everyone can be a high quality designer! It’s an easy way to create your designs whether this be for brochures, social media posts or even your logo, Canva is the tool for you.

Today is the day to put an end to your inefficient marketing processes. By using the above methods and tools you’ll be on your way to becoming a childcare setting with a strong market presence. We hope you have found this blog interesting and that you give these tools a try!

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The information in this article is provided by Childcare Marketing and does not represent Morton Michel.