Ofsted’s ‘Big Listen’ Consultation Running Until the End of May

Preschool teacher with children playing with didactic toys

Ofsted’s ‘Big Listen’ Consultation Running Until the End of May

On Friday 8th March, Ofsted launched an open consultation titled “The Big Listen”, an extensive consultation that seeks input from parents and professionals working in schools, children’s social care, teacher training and early years settings.

The consultation was first announced in January following findings from the Education Select Committee report into Ofsted’s work with schools. The launch comes amidst a backdrop of discontent towards the Ofsted, their inspection process, and the procedures for complaints.

It is one of the measures being used to gather parent’s and professional’s views on how to improve Ofsted moving forward. Alongside the consultation, independent organisations will carry out surveys and focus groups although these details have yet to be published. On 21st March, Ofsted launched a similar consultation specifically aimed at children, including those in the care system. 

The Big Listen consultation asks questions based around four key priorities – reporting, inspection practice, culture and purpose, and impact. This means that questions are asked around key themes, including:

How Ofsted reports on its findings.

How Ofsted carries out inspections.

How Ofsted can have a positive impact in all the sectors it inspects.

What Ofsted needs to do to increase trust by parents, children and the sectors it works with.

The Big Listen will run for 12 weeks, closing on 31 May 2024.  Ofsted expects that the results of the consultation will be published later in 2024. For more information and to complete the consultation, please visit the government website or click here.