Paediatric first aid training

Paediatric First Aid Training

Paediatric first aid training

The early years inspection for Ofsted-registered provision comes into effect from 2021 and inspectors will check staff qualifications, including paediatric first aid. It is therefore important to remember that if you have been unable to complete your paediatric first aid requalification training due to the pandemic, then British Red Cross training can help.

What is the regulation around Paediatric First Aid training?

The Statutory Framework for the Early Year’s Foundation Stage sets standards for those providing childcare for children from birth to age 5 in England. Equivalent guidelines are in place for elsewhere in the UK. It outlines requirements for first aid arrangements that must be followed, including:

  • At least one person who has a full and current Paediatric First Aid certificate must always be on the premises and available when children are present, including when children are on outings or when someone is left in sole charge of a child for any period of time. 
  • Training must be renewed every three years. 
  • First aid provision should take into account the number of children, staff and layout of premises to ensure that a paediatric first aider is able to respond to emergencies quickly. 
  • All those that are newly qualified and have completed a level 2 and/or level 3 qualification, must also have either a full Paediatric First Aid (PFA) or an Emergency Paediatric First Aid (EPFA) certificate in order to be included in the required staff: child ratios.*
  • First aid certificates should be displayed/be provided on request, or a list of first aiders names should made available.
What Paediatric First Aid training courses does British Red Cross Training offer?

You can choose to attend either a two day Paediatric First Aid or a one day Emergency Paediatric First Aid training course.***  Both courses include automated external defibrillator (AED) training; although it's rare for a child to ever need an AED, we feel it's important for people who care for children to know how to use one.

What first aid skills are covered?

Our two-day Paediatric First Aid courses will help you to learn first aid skills for babies and children to ensure you are able to respond to a range of illnesses and accidents that you may come across in your setting, including but not restricted to:
  • unresponsive and breathing
  • unresponsive and not breathing (including how to use an AED on a child)
  • choking
  • heavy bleed
  • head injury 
  • bone, muscle and joint injuries
  • meningitis
  • severe allergic reactions
  • fever and febrile seizures.

Can I obtain a Paediatric First Aid certificate online?

A wide range of training providers are now offering blended first aid training. It is important not to confuse first aid for use at home with first aid for use in the workplace, as the requirements covering both differ dramatically. Online first aid certification for Paediatric First Aid is not possible if the content has been delivered exclusively online, as it does not meet the regulatory requirements we have set out key information in our blog

Let us know how you would like to learn!

Complete our short survey featuring blended paediatric first aid learning and shape the future of Paediatric First Aid Training. The information you provide will assist the us in developing our paediatric first aid learning experience in line with customer expectations.

*Any person who wishes to be included in childcare ratios should have undertaken Paediatric First Aid training. Paediatric/emergency Paediatric First Aid training must be completed within 3 months of working.
**This change does not apply for childminders, who must already have a full PFA certificate as part of registration requirements.
*** Paediatric first aid training is only relevant to newly qualified child carers to be included in the ratios. Experience child carers cannot use this course as an option to be included in ratios.

Exclusive discount for Morton Michel policyholders!

Morton Michel policyholders can benefit from a fantastic 10% discount for individuals or a 10% discount for group bookings on paediatric first aid training from British Red Cross.

You can choose to attend either a two-day paediatric first aid training course or one day emergency paediatric first aid training course at Red Cross training venues or at your own premises for group training. Both courses include automated external defibrillator (AED) training.

Click here to find out more or to claim your exclusive discount today.

The information in this article is provided by British Red Cross and does not represent Morton Michel.