Preschool training


Preschool training


It is the EYFS statutory framework that sets out the standards for pre-school staff qualifications, training and skills in England.

The main points are that providers must ensure that all staff receive induction training to help them understand their roles and responsibilities. This induction training must include information about emergency evacuation procedures, safeguarding, child protection, the provider’s equality policy, and health and safety issues.

Pre-schools must also support staff to undertake appropriate training and offer them professional development opportunities to ensure they are able to provide good quality development and learning for children that improves continually.

In group settings such as a pre-school, the manager must hold at least a full and relevant level 3 qualification as defined by the National College for Teaching and Leadership.

At least half of all other staff must hold at least a full and relevant level 2 qualification.

The pre-school manager has to have at least two years’ experience of working in an early-years setting, or have at least two years’ other suitable experience.

The pre-school needs to ensure there is also a named deputy who is capable and qualified to take charge in the manager’s absence. The pre-school owner does not need to have any childcare qualifications.

There must be at least one person who has a paediatric first aid certificate on the premises and available at all times when children are present. This includes accompanying children on outings. In addition, since September 2016, all newly qualified level 2 and level 3 staff must also have either a full paediatric first aid certificate or an emergency paediatric first aid certificate to count in the required staff to child ratios.

It is also important that if your pre-school serves meals, the staff who handle and prepare the food have basic food hygiene training.


There is a list of early years and childcare qualifications on the Department for Education website.

The Council for Awards in Care, Health & Education (CACHE) is the specialist awarding organisation for the childcare sector. Its early years educator and childcare courses are offered through a range of providers and centres nationwide.

All of the qualifications have a level. These begin at entry level – basically an introduction to childcare. Level 1 is suitable for people who will be working with supervision carrying on through to level 3 for those who will be working without supervision and up to level 5. This is a foundation-degree level and is appropriate for experienced practitioners taking on managerial responsibility and leadership.

Continuing professional development (CPD)

CPD involves short courses and seminars through which participants learn about a broad range of topics to do with their profession and which keep them up-to-date on developments in best practice or can increase their knowledge of certain specific areas that are of importance to their practice or of interest to them.

It is important for an early-years practitioner to continue with CPD throughout their career and vital that they keep records of the courses they follow. Some areas must be kept up to date such as paediatric first aid, food hygiene and health and safety. It is up to the pre-school manager to keep accurate records of the type and dates of training staff receive so as to arrange renewal training if appropriate.

There are many training providers throughout the UK.

Morton Michel policyholders are entitled to free RoSPA-accredited, CPD-certified online training provided by flick learning. Click here to find out more.