The Relationship Between Music and Literacy

The Relationship Between Music and Literacy

Boogie Mites logoMusic has benefits across the curriculum, it supports social skills, communication and language, emotional wellness, maths, memory…. but one of its greatest benefits is the creation of strong foundations for Literacy. As we all know, Literacy is a key subject for accessing the curriculum throughout education and making sure that children have strong foundations when starting school is fundamental to their success at school.

  • Music training, by definition, results in developing higher awareness of sounds. Regular involvement in music activities will develop the awareness of syllables, onset rime and phoneme awareness. Music activities are more engaging than phonics exercises so children will be more attentive and motivated to take part.
  • Words and sentences have an intrinsic rhythm. Children can develop an awareness of this by developing their sound processing skills and playing with syllables of words through music activities.
  • Songs and rhymes have deliberate patterning so are extremely useful in developing the sound processing of stressed syllables – an area which is found to be weak in children who suffer with dyslexia.

We are offering a training evening on 16th May 2022, in collaboration with Early Years Consultant Sue Asquith to give you more information about this link between music practice and developing strong foundations for literacy. Sign up for our ‘Developing Literacy Foundations Through Music’ workshop now via the link below:

Many pre-schools across the UK follow Boogie Mites School Ready Literacy programme. They see how children love the music time as well as the learning aims that are met through regular practice. For more information on our full School Ready Literacy programme follow the link below:


The information in this article is provided by Boogie Mites and does not represent Morton Michel.