The Relaunch of Flying Tots

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The Relaunch of Flying Tots 

The relaunch of high-quality professional service is empowered with specialist experienced nannies and babysitters in short-term or long-term placements to care for your children.

"I initially created Flying Tots to provide a nanny service exclusively for British Airways pilots and airline staff, now introduced to busy career parents and travelling business professionals in medicine, law, and entertainment. I now combine running Flying Tots with travelling as a professional child chaperone worldwide. I go from strength to strength, building my reputation on excellent customer service, flexibility, and reliable childcare".

Flying Tots, London and Worldwide is a nanny agency that resolves your childcare concerns, placing individual family needs as the priority. Over the last ten years, we have built an enviable reputation that alleviates the worry and stress of business parents in shift work. We understand the need to balance home life with a vital job role.

Sharon TL Bastien: Managing Director



The information in this article is provided by Flying Tots and does not represent Morton Michel.