Top First Aid Tips for Childcarers

British Red Cross: Top First Aid Tips for Childcarers

Child Safety Week took place between 3 and 9 June and the theme for this year was Safety. Sorted! To highlight the event, we have looked at five top first aid tips for child carers. Whilst every precaution is taken, why not share these with your team or the families in your setting. 

Head injury 

A child with a head injury may be in pain or have a headache. There may be a lump on their head, and they may look pale. 

Here’s how to help if a child in your setting suffers a head injury: 

British Red Cross - graphic showing first aid tips for a head injury

Nose bleed

Nose bleeds aren’t usually serious. Here’s how to help if a child in your care has a nose bleed: 

British Red Cross - graphic showing first aid tips a nosebleed


If a child your care is choking, they will be unable the breathe, cough or speak.  You may notice a change in the colour of their complexion and their facial expression. 

British Red Cross - graphic showing first aid tips for a child who is choking and is less than one year old

British Red Cross - graphic showing first aid tips for someone who is choking and is 1 years old through to puberty

Bumps and bruises

Bumps and bruises are common in childcare settings and are often minor injuries, you can help by:

British Red Cross - graphic showing first aid tips for bumps and bruises

Burns and scalds 

Burns and scalds are very common childhood accidents, you can help by:

British Red Cross - graphic showing first aid tips for burns and scalds

Don't forget, if you're a Morton Michel policyholder you can get a 10% discount on the British Red Cross's paediatric first aid courses. Find out more

Please note, the information in this article is provided by the British Red Cross and does not represent the views or opinions of Morton Michel.