Industry news and insight

The latest news, views and industry insight from Morton Michel.

A decorative image of a small boy wearing a newsboys cap and shouting into a vintage loud hailer.

News, views and industry insight

This page is regularly updated to keep you informed on what's happening at Morton Michel and in the childcare sector.

Jul 2021

Paediatric First Aid Training

The early years inspection for Ofsted-registered provision comes into effect from 2021 and inspectors will check staff qualifications, including paediatric first aid.

Jul 2021

Bubble system to end

Although Covid cases are once again on the rise, the government is confident that the vaccination programme has broken the link between catching the disease and serious cases.

Jul 2021

Funded Places Take-up Drops

Since their introduction and particularly since the roll-out of the 30 hours entitlement, government funded provision has become the backbone of the early years sector.