Industry news and insight

The latest news, views and industry insight from Morton Michel.

A decorative image of a small boy wearing a newsboys cap and shouting into a vintage loud hailer.

News, views and industry insight

This page is regularly updated to keep you informed on what's happening at Morton Michel and in the childcare sector.

May 2021

Preschool training

It is the EYFS statutory framework that sets out the standards for pre-school staff qualifications, training and skills in England.

May 2021

Nursery sector overview

Day nurseries are childcare providers that care for children aged from birth to five years on non-domestic premises.

May 2021

Training for nursery staff

Staff training affects every aspect of a childcare business, and it should start on day one and continue throughout their career.

May 2021

How to set up a nursery

This information is intended to be used as guidance about what you will need to consider when setting up your own nursery.

May 2021

Nursery News

The March 2021 edition of Nursery News